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External Sources

Fluky library provides a set of external sources for random number generation. They have a good statistical quality and are fast for general purpose cases. All sources are implement the Source and Source64 interfaces from math/rand package.

Import all sources

import ""




SplitMix64 is a pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) algorithm that generates a 64-bit output using a 64-bit seed. It works by repeatedly applying a basic function to the seed value, but it may not provide enough randomness for some applications, and its output is not suitable for cryptographic purposes. However, SplitMix64 is known for its speed and simplicity, and it can be used as a basic building block for more complex PRNGs.

Current implementations of xoshiro256++ and xoshiro256** use SplitMix64 as a seed generator.


src := sources.NewSplitMix64Source(0) // where 0 is a seed, int64
SplitMix64 implementation

state has uint64 type.

func (s *SplitMix64Source) Uint64() uint64 {
    s.state += 0x9e3779b97f4a7c15
    z := s.state
    z ^= z >> 30
    z *= 0xbf58476d1ce4e5b9
    z ^= z >> 27
    z *= 0x94d049bb133111eb
    z ^= z >> 31
    return z

Xoroshiro256++ / Xoroshiro256**

Xoshiro is a family of fast and efficient pseudorandom number generators (PRNGs) designed by David Blackman and Sebastiano Vigna. They are known for producing high-quality output with a relatively small state size, using a combination of bitwise operations and nonlinear transformations. Fluky provides Xoroshiro256++ and Xoroshiro256** implementations (64 bit output and 2256-1 period), but they are not suitable for cryptographic purposes due to vulnerabilities in their design. Overall, Xoshiro generators are ideal for simulations, games, and other applications where high-quality randomness is required.

Fluky implementation of xoshiro256++ and xoshiro256** use SplitMix64 as a seed generator.


src := sources.NewXoshiro256ppSource(0) // where 0 is a seed, int64
src := sources.NewXoshiro256ssSource(0) // where 0 is a seed, int64

Xoroshiro256 implementations provide Jump and LongJump methods which is return new source with current state, and move state of existing source to 2128 and 2192 iterations accordingly.

s := src.(*src.Xoshiro256ppSource) 
// Same cast to Xoshiro256ssSource:
// s := src.(*src.Xoshiro256ssSource)
// Note: state A
s1 := s.Jump() 
// Note: s1 is state A
// s is now state B (equivalent to 2^128 iterations of s.Uint64())
s2 := s.LongJump()
// Note: s2 is state B
// s is now state C (equivalent to 2^192 iterations of s.Uint64())
Xoroshiro256 implementation

s0..s4 have uint64 type.

func (x *Xoshiro256ppSource) Uint64() uint64 {
    res := bits.RotateLeft64(x.s0+x.s3, 23) + x.s0
    t := x.s1 << 17
    x.s2 ^= x.s0
    x.s3 ^= x.s1
    x.s1 ^= x.s2
    x.s0 ^= x.s3
    x.s2 ^= t
    x.s3 = bits.RotateLeft64(x.s3, 45)
    return res
func (x *Xoshiro256ssSource) Uint64() uint64 {
    res := bits.RotateLeft64(x.s1*5, 7) * 9
    t := x.s1 << 17
    x.s2 ^= x.s0
    x.s3 ^= x.s1
    x.s1 ^= x.s2
    x.s0 ^= x.s3
    x.s2 ^= t
    x.s3 = bits.RotateLeft64(x.s3, 45)
    return res
sm := NewSplitMix64Source(seed)
x.s0 = sm.Uint64()
x.s1 = sm.Uint64()
x.s2 = sm.Uint64()
x.s3 = sm.Uint64()


PCG (Permuted Congruential Generator) is a family of pseudorandom number generators (PRNGs) designed by Melissa O'Neill. They are known for their speed, statistical quality, and flexibility, and can produce high-quality random numbers with relatively small state sizes. PCG generators work by combining a linear congruential generator (LCG) with a permutation function that shuffles the output, resulting in improved statistical properties. Fluky provides PCG-XSL-RR implementation (128 bit state, 64 bit output), and they are suitable for variety of applications, such as games, simulations (used in the NumPy scientific computing package). PCG-XSL-RR is not suitable for cryptographic purposes.


src := sources.NewPcgXslRrSource(0) // where 0 is a seed, int64
PCG-XSL-RR implementation

state, mul and inc have uint128 type.

func (s *PcgXslRrSource) Uint64() uint64 {
    return s.stateToValue()
func (s *PcgXslRrSource) step() {
    s.state = s.state.Mul(s.mul).Add(
func (s *PcgXslRrSource) stateToValue() (v uint64) {
    v = s.state.Lo ^ s.state.Hi
    rot := int(s.state.Rsh(122).Lo&0x3F) * -1
    v = bits.RotateLeft64(v, rot)

Small PRNG

This fast and compact pseudorandom number generator is appropriate for large statistical computations, but not intended for cryptographic purposes due to its lack of sufficient strength. The cycle length is not guaranteed to meet a minimum requirement, but on average, it is estimated to produce approximately 2126 results. Fluky provides Small PRNG implementation with 256 bit state and 64 bit output. Upon conducting multiple iterations of the dieharder test suite, the Small PRNG exhibited just 0-2 weak results (of 114 tests).


src := sources.NewSmallPrngSource(0) // where 0 is a seed, int64
Small PRNG implementation

a, b, c and d have uint64 type.

    func (s *SmallPrngSource) Uint64() uint64 {
    e := s.a - bits.RotateLeft64(s.b, 7)
    s.a = s.b ^ bits.RotateLeft64(s.c, 13)
    s.b = s.c + bits.RotateLeft64(s.d, 37)
    s.c = s.d + e
    s.d = e + s.a
    return s.d



Squirrel3 is a pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) algorithm that generates a 64-bit output using a 64-bit seed and position (64 bits). Main idea is to use position and seed as input bits, and them mix them with a simple function. This approach allow to make a set of different random number generators with the same statistical quality, but different sequences.

There are 3 implementations of Squirrel3 in Fluky:

  • Squirrel3Source - original implementation, with 64 bit seed and 64 bit position
  • Squirrel3x2Source - implementation which use high bits of two random numbers combined to single 64 bits random number, iterate 2 positions at once
  • Squirrel3Prime64Source - implementation with 64 bits prime number for noise bits, prime numbers generated randomly with ~ 59% probability of one bits


src := sources.NewSquirrel3Source(0) // init with seed=0, position=0
src.SetPosition(10) // set position to 10
src.Uint64() // get 10th random number
src.Uint64() // get 11th random number


src := sources.NewSquirrel3x2Source(0) // init with seed=0, position=0


src := sources.Squirrel3Prime64Source(0) // init with seed=0, position=0


SxmSource and SxmMixSource are implementations of Positional source with inspiration from xxhash and Squirrel3. SxmMixSource on final round used mix64 step from xxhash (avalanche).

The final mix ensures that all input bits have a chance to impact any bit in the output digest, resulting in an unbiased distribution. This is also called avalanche effect.


src := sources.NewSxmSource(0) // init with seed=0, position=0
src.SetPosition(10) // set position to 10
src.Uint64() // get 10th random number
src.Uint64() // get 11th random number


src := sources.NewSxmMixSource(0) // init with seed=0, position=0

Please check dieharder test results below.


Statistical quality (dieharder)

SEED: 1234567

Test data: 229GiB

Name Time PASS WEAK FAIL Total
Built In 35:33 112 2 0 114
PCG-XSL-RR 36:12 112 2 0 114
Small Prng 37:49 114 0 0 114
Xoshiro256++ 39:35 112 2 0 114
Xoshiro256** 37:01 108 6 0 114
SplitMix64 38:06 113 1 0 114
Squirrel3 19:50 (M2) 108 6 0 114
Squirrel3x2 19:50 (M2) 111 3 0 114
Squirrel3Prime64 19:10 (M2) 113 1 0 114
Sxm 19:10 (M2) 113 1 0 114
SxmMix 19:10 (M2) 113 1 0 114


  • Detailed results available in the repo's dieharder-source folder.
  • Built In source is a default Go source - ref

Statistical quality (draw test)

Expand to check results (each picture is 2 Mb)

Built In





Small Prng







Manual run

go test -bench=. -timeout 30m ./fluky_testing

TBW - requires tests on Intel, M2, with latest Go version