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Fluky API

New Fluky

package main

import (
    f ""
    src ""

func main() {
    s := src.NewSplitMix64Source(1234567)   // create source
    r := rand.New(s)                        // create rand.Rand instance
    flk := f.NewFluky(r)                    // create fluky instance
    // ready to use
    fmt.Println(flk.Bool()) // true
    fmt.Println(flk.Integer()) // 3203168211198807973
    // with parameters
    fmt.Println(flk.Bool(f.WithLikelihood(0.25))) // 25% chance to return true
    fmt.Println(flk.Integer(f.WithIntRange(0, 100))) // 0..99, 100 is excluded

All Fluky methods accept set of optional parameters. They are used for result customization of the method.
